Sling Level 0 Poster
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18" x 24" Full Color. 100# Gloss Poster.
This is the first in a series of 5 posters (levels 0-4) that give a full and complete curriculum to learning the art of aerial sling, as designed by Rebekah Leach. The curriculum is called the Born to Fly Curriculum. We offer live trainings that go into the vast detail of how to progress safely through the curriculm; however, you are welcome to embrace this curriculum and teach it even if you do not take the teacher trainings. Find out more at
About Level 0:
The goal of level 0 is to build a foundation of skills and knowledge for navigating an aerial apparatus. Skills acquired here can be transferred to other aerial apparatuses such as fabric, rope, trapeze, hoop, etc. The specific skill set acquired for Level 0 sling includes how to: mount an apparatus without swinging, transitioning to and through standing poses, hook the knees, roll to the hips, hang in inverted straddle and transition between all these points of contact. Major concepts presented include leaning, arching, hooking, blocking, press-outs, and inversions.
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The price you are charged at checkout covers shipments for USA address only. If you live out-of-country, there will be an additional shipment fee that needs to be collected. We will invoice you to collect the additional amount based on your shipping address (typically $3-$20 -- it depends on your country). Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. If you're in a rush, please contact us directly via phone or e-mail.